Hong Kong is a nice place,especially in summer.July is a hot month in Hong Kong.But it's an excellent time for swimming.There is a beautiful beach at Repulse Bay.To get there,you can take a bus from Central.Lots of people go to the beach on Saturdays and Sundays.But if you go on a weekday,it will be not so crowded.Hong Kong is a nice place for holiday.There are many shops.



香港是个好地方,特别是夏天。 在香港,7月是一个热的月份,但也是游泳的好时候。 在浅水湾有美丽的海滩,你可以从中环乘公共汽车到那里。 许多人周六和周日去海滩。 但是如果你工作日去那里,就不会很拥挤。 香港是一个度假的好地方。 那里有许多商店。

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