不少人误以为小狗的世界只有黑白。事实上,与人类相比,狗的色觉非常有限,但可以看到蓝色和黄色等颜色。但是狗的视角比人类有几个优点。例如,在黑暗中可以看得更清楚。大卫亚设,Northern Exposure(美国电视新闻)你知道狗怎么区分颜色吗?一起看狗眼中的世界吧。



your eyes pick up color using a type of cell called cones in your retina . the same is true for dogs,though our cones aren ' t exactly the same


Humans have three types of cones,' which enables us to see different shades of red,blue-violet,and green,' says Alison me


dogs have two types of cones that pick up blue-violet and yellow shades、says Lara sypniewski、dvm和a professor of small animal media

据俄克拉荷马州立大学小型动物医学教授、兽医临床医生LARA SIFNIPSKIY称,狗有两种视锥细胞,可以区分蓝紫色和黄色。

this means that dogs see in a similar way to humans who are red-green color blind。they don ' t see red or green and they see everything in E and yellow,' says Jay ne itz,PhD,a researcher and professor of ophthalmologsor


humans may have the advantage in color vision,But dogs definitely have us beat in the realm of night vision . this is because de


a dog ' s retina is largely composed of cells called rods、which can sense light、even in very low-light conditions和says sypnies




dogs are especially good at sensing movement。the increased number of rods in the dog ' s retina also increases their ability to detect moto Sypniewski says . this ability can help them detect small


dogs have a wider field of vision than humans . dogs ' eyes are set slightly farther apart than humans ' eyes,so they can see further to


dogs have blur rier long-distance vision than humans . a human with perfect vision has 20/20 vision、While dogs have 20/65 to 20/85this means that' a dog must be at 20 ft。to read a letter that a human with 20/20 vision would be


dogs have trouble seeing things very close up。dogs can see objects clearly if they ' re at least 13 to 20 inches away from to But if the object is closer,the image may be blurry,' sypniewski

狗很难近距离观察事物。“当物体距离眼睛至少13 ~ 20英寸(约0.3 ~ 0.5米)时,狗可以清楚地看到。”但是,如果物体更近,眼睛的图像会变得模糊。人类可以看到更近10英寸(0.25米)的物体。

dogs may recognize you by your shape and motion。if your dog recognizes you from a distance,It is not because It can see the details of your face like a human would,but rather because of your shape






