“Ask Professor Du”嘟教授问答

Project-Based Learning – A Project Format


At the end of February, I wrote about project-based learning in courses and I promised that I would give you a format for using project-based learning. Your assignment was to come up with some ideas for projects to infuse into the learning environment for your courses. I suggested you identify one course and fit a project into that course. What kind of a project-based experience would be good for your students to work on? Here are several ideas of possible projects for a course you may teach:


Exploration of a company, brand or topic culminating in a PowerPoint and an oral presentation


Video story of the departments in a hotel


Hiring manual for a Human Resources department


Training manual for a department in a hotel or restaurant


A plan for an event including all aspects and a timeline


Creating a hospitality or tourism business


The development of a new menu for a restaurant


New promotion and advertising campaign for a hotel or restaurant


PowerPoint comparing two major hotel brands


A plan to improve revenue generation in a hotel or restaurant


Incentive and rewards program for housekeepers in a hotel


Check-in and check-out manual for front desk employees


Design for a new uniform for front-of-the-house employees


Design for a team-building activity for employees at your restaurant or hotel


Competition among departments in your hotel for best customer service rating by customers


New signature dish for your restaurant


Okay, enough ideas!Now, how do you structure the development of these projects to improve learning and facilitate student involvement? I use the following steps for my projects:



Choose the project and identify the components or elements that the final project will include, as well as the value of each component and the overall project.



Divide the final project into steps or parts (these are generally consistent with the components or elements that you identified in Step 1).



Create a timeline and progression for completing each part or element.



Develop a task sheet that includes what you have decided in Steps 1-3 and introduce the project to the class.



Form groups for the project and allow them to select their project.



Schedule class time for the groups to work on their projects.



Grade and give feedback to the group on each component as they create the project part by part.



Create a culminating event for presentation of the projects. This can be during class time or outside of the class time inviting others to see the final projects.


Here are frequently asked questions I generally receive about my projects.


1. Why groups? I think working collaboratively with others develops interpersonal skills, communication skills, personal responsibility, a support network, and time management skills, all essential elements needed for success in tourism and hospitality careers.

1. 为什么以团队形式?我认为与他人协作能够培养学生交际能力、沟通能力、责任心、人际关系及时间管理能力。这些都是未来旅游与酒店行业必备的核心素质。

2. Should I put the students into groups? No. I would allow students to form their own group and also to choose their own topic or focus for the project.

2. 我应该为学生指定分组吗?不。我让学生自由选择团队成员和项目内容。

4. What is a good size for the groups? I would have them work in groups of three to six students depending on the size of the class. The larger the class, the larger the group size.

4. 每个团队有多少成员?我会根据班额大小将学生分为3-6人一组。班级人数越多,每组成员越多。

5. When should I form the groups? Groups are formed about three to four weeks into the semester. This timing allows me to develop a basic foundation of knowledge for the project.

5. 我什么时候将分组确定下来?开学初,给学生3-4个星期组队。这个时间我来给学生介绍开发这个项目的基本知识。

6. Should I assign projects to each group? No. Again, I allow students to choose their project with my guidance. Students love choice and this gives them another chance to choose. I provide a list of suggestions from which groups may select their project. If they want to pursue a project not on the list, they can with my approval.

6. 我应该给每组学生指定任务吗?不。我会给予学生指导,让他们自主选择项目内容。学生们喜欢自主选择权。我会给学生列出任务清单,如果有人提出清单之外的项目,在获得我的允许之后也可以开展。

7. Explain how the project development works in your class. Once groups are formed and projects are selected, I lecture on material essential to the areas of project development. Then I use a portion of class time for the students to meet in their groups. This allows me one-on-one-time to meet with individual groups and teach specific to the group’s project and help them understand important concepts. The groups begin to create the project based on the various parts.

7. 在课堂上向学生讲解项目开发的流程。学生完成组队并选定项目内容后,我会给学生讲解项目开发的关键问题。然后我给学生一部分课堂时间进行小组讨论。这也让我能够对每个小组具体的项目内容进行一对一地指导,帮助他们理清重要的概念。之后,各小组开始创建各自的项目。

8. I am still unclear about the parts or components of the project; can you give me some examples? Of course! If the final project will be a video, what steps or elements will the group need to complete to achieve the final project, i.e., a scenario, a , a storyboard, a shooting plan, etc.? If it is an event plan, it might encompass deciding what the event will be, a general outline of the event, a list of “to dos,” a timeline, decorations, menu, etc.” If it is a business plan, elements might be what to sell, who the customers will be, who the employees will be, and the financials. These are just examples, but decide what the parts might look like to make the whole, and then these become the components, stages or steps needed.

8. 对于每个项目的组成部分我还不是很清楚。你能举例说明吗?当然可以!如果最终的项目成果是一个视频,那么每个小组需要完成的各部分内容是什么?比如场景、剧本、故事解说板、拍摄计划等。如果是一个活动计划,可能包括活动主题、活动内容、活动计划、时间推进表、会场布置、菜单等。如果是一个商业计划,组成元素可能包括产品、消费对象、员工、财务等方面问题。当然这些只是举例,想想整个项目由哪些部分组成,也就得出了完成项目所需的具体步骤。

9. Why divide it into components or steps, why not just concentrate on the finished project?

Simply put, I want to guide their learning experience and these components/parts/steps enable me to make these low-stakes assignments. I get a chance to give feedback and grade each of these smaller parts with a chance to ensure overall success in the final project for the students. Each step provides me with teachable moments, opportunities for encouragement and motivation, and also the ability to monitor group progress. In other words, while students have substantial freedom to complete the project, I can maintain control of whatever is happening in the groups and help them achieve their final goal, a great project!

9. 为什么要把项目分解为N个步骤?为什么不能直接评价最后的项目成果?简单地说,我想在他们的学习过程中给予引导,这些分解的步骤可以让我布置低风险任务。我可以对每个小的部分进行评分并给出反馈,这样能够保证学生的项目最终取得成功。每一个步骤,我都可以抓住适当机会,鼓励和激励学生,并且掌控各小组项目进程。换句话说,尽管学生对项目有充分的自由权,我同时也需要监控各小组的表现,帮助他们完成最终的目标!

10. What do you mean by low-stakes assignment? I grade each component/part of the project as it is due and give feedback to the group on the part submitted. Each of these components or parts are worth a smaller percentage of the overall grade, thus making them low stakes, not a large part of the final grade. This project could be worth as much as 60% of their final grade. If the course had a total of 100 points for the final course mark, and the overall project is 60%, then part one might be worth 10 points, part two 5 points, part three 10 points, oral presentation 15 points, and the final project 20 points, adding up to 60 points or 60% of the final course grade.

10. 什么是低风险任务?我会给项目的每个部分进行评分,并给每个小组反馈意见。每个部分都只占全部分数很小的比例,而不是分值很大的最终评分,这就是所谓的“低风险”。例如,这个项目占课程总分的60%。如果课程总分为100分,那么项目总分为60分,第一部分可能占10分,第二部分5分,第三部分10分,口头展示15分,最终项目展示20分,加起来是60分,也就是课程总分的60%。

11. Doesn’t this create a lot more work for you? Not really. This keeps the group moving forward and allows them to modify and improve their work that will eventually become the final project. Students like the opportunity to perfect and correct their work and this gives them the chance to do so!

11. 这是不是意味着给你增加了很多工作?并不是。这种方法可以让每个小组成员都参与进来,不断修改、完善他们的项目,最终变成团队成果。学生们喜欢不断追求完美的过程!

12. I am convinced that project-based learning is a terrific method to use. It overcomes so many of the things I hear from teachers like, students aren’t interested in what I teach, students don’t pay attention to my lectures, students are on their phones all of the time, and students aren’t motivated to learn. Project-based learning incorporates three important things that students want in the classroom, namely choice, improving their submitted work, and real-world content that is relevant to them. And it also enables students to learn important concepts by applying theory to practice while developing skills necessary for success in the hospitality and tourism industry. I encourage you to try it, and if you need help, just email me. I am ready to help you!





