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国家历史文化 济南:国家历史文化名城 龙山文化发祥地

  济南是山东省省会,位于山东省中东部,南依泰山,北跨黄河,市辖区面积7998平方公里, 常住人口732.1万人。属暖温带大陆性气候,四季分明,日照充分,年平均气温13.5—15.5摄氏度。




  济南拥有丰富的文化资源,有山东最具代表性的地方剧种吕剧、山东快书和济南相声等。吕剧又称化装扬琴、琴戏,国家级非物质文化遗产,中国八大戏曲剧种之一,代表作有《姊妹易嫁》《逼婚记》《李二嫂改嫁》等。山东快书有一百多年历史, 2006年列入第一批国家级非物质文化遗产。济南相声是济南市地方传统曲艺。济南演艺界人才辈出,成果显著,优秀作品和优秀剧目不断问世。中国非物质遗产博览会永久落户济南。济南是第十届中国艺术节主会场,“一院三馆”位于济南西部新城核心区域,由省会大剧院、市图书馆新馆、市群众艺术馆、市美术馆构成,已经成为济南崭新的文化地标。



  Jinan is the capital of Shandong Province. Located in the mid-east of the province, it is north of Mount Tai and faces the Yellow River to the north. With an area of 7,998 square kilometers under its administration, it boasts a permanent population of 7.321 million. It has a humid continental climate, with four well-defined seasons and abundant sunshine; the average annual temperature in the city ranges from 13.5 to 15.5 °C.

  Jinan is a coastal open city approved by the State Council. As a National Famous Historical and Cultural City, it is also a National Civilized City, National Sanitary City, National Double-Support Exemplary City, National Excellent Tourist City, National Water Ecology Civilized City, National Forest City, National Garden City, and National Food Safety Exemplary City.

  Jinan is an important transportation hub connecting to Beijing, Tianjin, and Xiong’an New Area in the north, to Nanjing, Shanghai, and Fuzhou in the south, and to the port cities of Qingdao and Yantai in the east of the province. Jinan Yaoqiang International Airport is 30 kilometers from downtown Jinan; as an important port of entry and a major airport in China, it is home to a total of 40 domestic and international airlines operating 162 routes, 23 of which are international ones.

  Jinan is a National Famous Historic and Cultural City. Known for its 4,600 years of civilized history and more than 2,600 years of urban development history, it is the birthplace of Longshan culture. It is also reputed for its rich diversity of products. The famous local products include Pingyin Ejiao, Zhangqiu Scallion, Longshan Millet, Shandong Embroidery, Black Pottery, and Earth King Rabbit.

  Jinan is endowed with rich cultural resources. It has the most representative local operas of Shandong, including Lv Opera, Shandong’s Allegro, and Jinan Crosstalk. Lv Opera is also known as Makeup Dulcimer or Qin Opera. As a national-level intangible cultural heritage, it is one of the country’s eight major opera categories – the representative works include Young Sister Marrying in Place of Elder Sister, Forced Marriage, and Li Ersao Remarries. Shandong’s Allegro has a history of more than 100 years and was included in the first batch of National-level Intangible Cultural Heritages in 2006. Jinan Crosstalk is a traditional local performing art in Jinan. With a large number of talented performing artists emerging in the city’s circles of performing art, Jinan has made tremendous achievements in this field, evidenced by the continuous production of excellent works and operas. Jinan is permanent host for China Intangible Cultural Heritage Expo and it was the main venue for the Tenth China Arts Festival. Shandong Provincial Capital Culture and Art Center Grand Theatre, New Jinan City Library, Jinan Mass Art Museum, and Jinan Art Museum are located in the core area of New Town in western Jinan, which is currently a new cultural landmark of the city.

  Jinan is also a city renowned for sports, highlighted by its achievements in basketball and football. In 2009, the city successfully hosted the 11th National Sports Games; the main venue for the games, Olympic Center, is now a landmark of the city and also the home for Shandong Luneng Taishan Football Team, a powerhouse in the China Football Association Super League. The city has also a famous basketball team, Shandong Men’s Basketball Team. Athletes from Jinan have won silver and gold medals in international arenas, bringing China a lot of honors. In the 2012 London Olympic Games, Li Xiaoxia won two gold medals, one for table tennis women’s singles and the other for table tennis women’s group – the first Olympic Games gold medals for the city. In the 2016 Rio de Janeiro Olympic Games, Zhang Mengxue won a gold medal for women’s 10-meter air pistol, which represented the first gold medal won by the Chinese delegation in the Games.

  Jinan has also successfully held many national and international events, such as Hortifloexpo, 22nd International Congress of Historical Sciences, and International Spring Cultural Landscape City Alliance Conference.

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