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This chart describes the difference in birth and death rates of 1990, 2000 and 2005 in 15 provinces of China. According to the chart, the birth rate has dropped dramatically from 1990 to 2005, this is most likely caused by the anti-natalist policy of the Chinese government to limit the population of the country. Overall, the death rate in most regions has decreased since 1990 as health care and living conditions improve. It may also be a by-product of the one-child policy, which can force parents to focus their attention on the only child they have, therefore insuring the best possiblecare for the child. I believe the one-child policy in China achieved its goal,although there are many complications along with it like the unbalanced number of females and males as well as the retirement problem in many families; but as the chart shows, it effectively lowered the birthrate and generally increased the life expectancy.156字,望采纳0w0

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