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perseverant 希望高手能帮我修改一下这篇文章


希望高手能帮我修改一下这篇文章I read a book ,it ‘s called "Woman Sailor Diary",it says that there is a 13-year-old girl Tao Xueluo navigational adventure story,it is worth your reading.Her dad decided let 13-year-old girl Tao Xueluo went home by Lodden Seahawk number,when she knew that his choice is wrong,The ship has set off.Tao Xueluo has to face her fate at the sea.At first ,she is a lady,when captain killed sailor Karachi,other sailors misunderstood she is the informanter.Tao Xueluo decided to be a sailors to found out the truth.As a result,she passed the test and to be a sailor successfully.After I read this book,I feel the spirit of Tao Xueluo is what make people admire---- meets difficultly does not flinch.Is kind of perseverance,She is so brave,she never give up.But me?Before work is also full of confidence,but when I meet difficultly,I will flinch.Hey,Tao Xueluo ‘s spirit,I should really learn from it,I should believe myself that I can do it best.I should be confident of myself to do anything.


I"ve read a book which is called Woman Sailor Diary.It tells a navigational adventure story about a 13-year-old girl,Tao Xueluo.I think it is worth your reading. Her dad decided to let 13-year-old girl Tao Xueluo went home by Lodden Seahawk number. When she knew that his choice is wrong, the ship had set off. Tao Xueluo had to face her fate at the sea. At first ,she was a lady, but after captain killed sailor Karachi, other sailors suspected that she was the informanter. Tao Xueluo decided to be a sailor to found out the truth. As a result, she passed the test and became a sailor successfully. After reading this book, I can feel that the spirit of Tao Xueluo is what"s admirable---- meeting difficultly, being perseverant, keeping brave---she never gave up. But me? Full of confidence at the very beginning, but when I meet difficultly,I will flinch. Tao Xueluo"s spirit, which I should really learn from, makes me believe in myself that I can do it better.I should be confident of myself to do everything.

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