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否则的意思 英语 非谓语动词or什么时候用“否则”的意思啊?Stand over there_____you will be abl


英语 非谓语动词or什么时候用“否则”的意思啊?Stand over there_____you will be able to see the oil painting better.and or till but 选哪个?什么是非谓语动词啊?稍微举例说明一下!原因状语从句,条件状语从句,目的状语从句,方式状语从句!的引导词都是那些


1.此题答案为 and 2.所谓的非谓语动词,其一,是动词,其二,但不是谓语.英语中,动词不定式,动名词都可以是非谓语动词.如: Being a teacher,you should be stricty with your students.(being) He gets up early in order to catch the early bus.(to catch) 3.有关主从复合句,我给你发一下资料,你系统地看一下就行: 当英语基础知识的学习进入一个相对稳定的时期,就应该逐渐地接触和了解英语中的主从复合句,以期通过一个主从复合句来表达更加复杂的含义,并传达更多的信息.因为语序以及时态问题,中英文在主从复合句方面有着天壤之别,自然就造成了中国学生在学习英语主从复合句时出现迷惘和困惑.莱曼英语在对待英语主从复合句方面,更加强调由浅入深地有条理地系统学习. 一.主从复合句的分类: 英语中的主从复合句从功能上可分为下列几种类型: 1.主语从句 2.宾语从句 (1)时间 3.表语从句 (2)地点 4.状语从句--- (3)原因 5.定语从句 (4)条件 (5)目的 (6)结果 (7)让步 (8)方式 (9)比较 作为学生,完全没有必要死记硬背主从复合句的种类,而是更加着眼于英语主从复合句的特点和使用要点.这也是对主从复合句考核的重要内容. 二.主从复合句的要点: 1.连词(主从复合句的连接词)的选用 A类: that B类: if,whether C类: what,when,where,who.why,whose,which how,whom D类:since,as,while,before,after,till,until once,whenever,wherever,because,unless though,although, E类:as soon as, as long as, so long as, in case, so that, in order that, so...that, such...that, as if, each time,next time, the first time,the last time by the time, from the time. 2.时态前后呼应 A:主句是现在时,从句任意 (1)He always helps me with my English when he has time. (2)She always says that she had a tough life in the past. (3)Nobody knows what he will do in the future. (4)The boys are talking about the football game which was shown on TV yesterday. (5)The students are talking while the teacher is speaking in the class. B:主句是过去时态,从句必须是过去时态 (1)He told me on the phone that he was driving on the highway. (2)They wanted to know whether they had passed the exam. (3)Students were discussing what they would do in the future. (4)I wondered where the boy came from. (5)We were cleaning the room while he was playing the video game. 3.从句永远用陈述语序 特别是当连词为特殊疑问词时,此时,必须明了的是,从句并非特殊疑问句.因而,从句不得用问句形式,而必须用陈述语序. (1)I asked him what he was doing there. (2)They wanted to know where I had been. (3)The teacher wondered why he was late for class. (4)He told us whom the house belonged to. (5)I felt surprised how he made it. 4.主句是现在将来时,从句用一般现在时(主将从现) 英语的主从复合句中,主句为现在将来时,从句则必须是一般现在时,此时的从句多作为一种先决条件,表明无论是现在还是将来,只要条件满足,则主句的动作就将发生. (1)We will have a meeting as soon as he comes back. (2)We will have an outing if it doesn"t rain tomorrow. (3)They are going to have a football game with Class 3 when they are free. (4)Nobody will help him if he keeps cheating. (5)She will buy some clothes as long as she has money. 三.各类主从复合句案例句 1.主语从句 A:What we need is your passion for learning English. B:Why he was late still remianed a question. C:Whether we should rebuild our hometown in the original place is being discussed. 2.宾语从句 A:They said that they had finished their work on time. B:I told them I would be back in an hour. C:The teacher wondered where the students had gone. 3.表语从句 A:He is what he was before. B:She appeared that she had nothing to do with it. C:Their idea sounded that they had no way out. 4.状语从句 A:They were watching TV when I came in.(时间) B:He knows where we can find a hotel.(地点) C:Since we have not enough money,we will have to give up this plan.(原因) D:She would do it again if she found a mistake in her homework.(条件) E:The old man gets up so early that he can have enough time to exercise.(目的) F:The box is so heavy that nobody can move it.(结果) G:One should be punished if he breaks the law,no matter who he is.(让步) H:He walks as if he is drunk.(方式) I:You don"t study so hard as Tom does.(比较) 四.主从复合句中从句的主语省略情况 多出现在宾语从句中,条件是: (1)连词为特殊疑问词或if,whether (2)从句含有情态动词或将来时 (3)从句的主语与主句的主语或宾语相同者 可分为下列两种情况: (1)当主句的主语与从句的主语相同时,从句的主语可用动词不定式替代: A.We didn"t know where we should go. We didn"t know where to go. B.He asked how he would learn English well. He asked how to learn English well. (2)主句的宾语和从句的主语相同时,从句的主语可用动词不定式替代: A.He asked me where I would go. He asked me where to go. B.They told him how he could make her happy. They told him how to make her happy. 有关英语主从复合句中的定语从句将在下一讲进行讲解,敬请关注.

1.《否则的意思 英语 非谓语动词or什么时候用“否则”的意思啊?Stand over there_____you will be abl》援引自互联网,旨在传递更多网络信息知识,仅代表作者本人观点,与本网站无关,侵删请联系页脚下方联系方式。

2.《否则的意思 英语 非谓语动词or什么时候用“否则”的意思啊?Stand over there_____you will be abl》仅供读者参考,本网站未对该内容进行证实,对其原创性、真实性、完整性、及时性不作任何保证。



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