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三星集团韩国公司 英语翻译三星公司:三星集团是韩国最大的企业集团,包括26个下属公司及若干其他法人机构,在近70个国家和地区建立了近300


英语翻译三星公司:三星集团是韩国最大的企业集团,包括26个下属公司及若干其他法人机构,在近70个国家和地区建立了近300个法人及办事处,员工总数19.6万人,业务涉及电子、金融、机械、化学、重工业、贸易等众多领域.三星电子:公司背景:三星电子是韩国最大的电子工业公司,同时也是三星集团旗下最大的子公司.1938年3月它于朝鲜大邱成立,创始人是李秉喆.现任会长是李健熙,副会长是李在镕和权五铉,社长是崔志成,首席执行官是由权五铉、申宗钧、尹富根三位组成的联席CEO.在世界上最有名的100个商标的列表中,三星电子是唯一的一个韩国商标,是韩国民族工业的象征.经济背景:三星公司2001年起成为全球最大的内存芯片、纯平显示器及彩色电视机制造商及第三大手机制造商,在全世界47个国家建有89个分支机构.美国《财富》杂志2003年世界500强行列,其中三星电子排名第59.集团旗下的旗舰公司—— 三星电子,在2003年《商业周刊》IT百强中排名第三,同年,三星在美国取得的专利高达1313项,在世界所有企业中排名第九.该企业品牌在世界品牌实验室(WorldBrandLab)编制的2006年度《世界品牌500强》排行榜中名列第二十六,日益成为行业领跑者,其影响力已经超越了很多业内传统巨头.品牌背景:数字时代产品将会更多地根据其品牌进行区分,而不是以其功能或者质量.从1999年开始,三星电子坚持实施全球品牌传播战略.2003年三星集团营业额约965亿美元,品牌价值高达108.5亿美元,在世界百大品牌中排名第25位,连续两年成为成长最快的品牌.自2005年11月10日以来,三星电子将实施整体市场营销战略,来取代单独的市场营销计划,以增强其市场力量,并用高质量的产品提升品牌价值.在“Wow(惊叹)、Simple(简单)和Inclusive(亲和力)”的品牌理念指导下,三星电子正在展开一个全球范围的品牌推广活动.发展历程:1969年1月 三星电子工业成立(在1984年2月更名为三星电子)12月 三星-Sanyo 电机成立(1975年3月更名为三星电机,并于1977年3月被三星电子兼并)1978年,三星电子成为独立的实体,同时也开始向全球市场提供新产品1992年10月 三星电子开始在中国设厂生产产品1999年7月 三星电子世界第一个1GDDR DRAM 芯片实现商业化,并引入世界最快的3D Graphics 图形卡专用222 MHz 32-Mbit SGRAM三星手机的缺点:尽管三星手机的发展势头很猛,但三星手机也有缺点,有些缺点是其市场选择所带来的.比如,三星手机基本不考虑低端市场,价格偏高:在CDMA领域不如LG.设计缺陷:三星Note和S系列手机存在设计缺陷,机主维修费用高昂困难.《经济半小时》调查:三星“猝死”问题早已蔓延全球,但售后却因地而异.英国:保修期内免费维修或更换新机;香港:维修费用全免.而在中国内地,同样的问题消费者得花上千元维修费.这已经涉嫌侵害消费者公平交易权.[2]意见:1.提高手机性能,提高生产率,降低价格.2.维护消费者权益,提供免费的维修服务.3.提升顾客服务,保持与顾客的沟通,确保问题的妥善解决.


Samsung:Samsung group is South Korea"s biggest conglomerate, including 26 subsidiary companies and some other legal institutions, in nearly 70 countries and regions set up nearly 300 legal persons, and offices, number of employees 196000 people, business involves the financial, machinery, electronics, chemicals, heavy industry, trade, and many other fields.Samsung electronics:Company background:Samsung electronics is South Korea"s biggest electronics company, is also the samsung group"s largest subsidiary.In March 1938, it founded Korea daegu, founder is brilliant.Mr Lee is the current President, vice President is five Xuan lee jae-yong and rights, President is g.s. choi, chief executive is made up of five Xuan, ShenZongJun, Yin Fugen joint chief executives of the three.In 100 the world"s most famous trademarks in the list, samsung electronics is the only a Korean trademark, is a symbol of South Korea"s national industry.Economic background: samsung since 2001 as the world"s biggest memory chip, flat display and color TV manufacturers and three mobile phone maker, has 89 branches in 47 countries around the world.The United States "fortune" magazine in 2003 world top 500, including samsung electronics ranked 59.Group"s flagship company, samsung electronics, businessweek in 2003, IT ranked the third in the top, the same year, 1313 of samsung in the United States patents, all enterprises ranked ninth in the world.The enterprise brand in the world brand laboratory (WorldBrandLab) compiled by the year 2006 the world"s top 500 brands list ranked 26, increasingly become the industry leader, its influence has transcended the traditional many industry giants.Brand background: digital products will be more differentiated according to its brand, rather than by its functionality or quality.Since 1999, the company adhere to implement global brand communication strategy.Samsung group turnover of about $2003 in 96.5 billion, the brand value of $10.85 billion, ranked 25th in the world"s one hundred largest brand, for two consecutive years become the fastest growing brands.Since November 10, 2005, samsung electronics will implement the overall marketing strategy, instead of a separate marketing plans, to increase its market power, to promote the brand value and high quality products.In the "Wow (amazing), Simple (easy) and Inclusive (affinity)" under the guidance of brand concept, samsung electronics is a global brand promotion activities.Development:Founded in January 1969, samsung electronics industry (in February 1984 changed its name to samsung electronics)(samsung - Sanyo motors was created in December in March 1975, renamed as samsung motors, and in March 1977 by samsung electronics)In 1978, samsung electronics became an independent entity, also began to offer new products to the global marketIn October 1992, samsung began producing products in ChinaIn July 1999, samsung electronics, the world"s first 1 GDDR DRAM chip realize commercialization, and the introduction of the world"s fastest 3 d Graphics Graphics card for 32 - Mbit SGRAM 222 MHzThe disadvantage of samsung mobile phone:Though samsung mobile phone development momentum is very fierce, but has its drawbacks as well as samsung mobile phones, some defect is brought about by the market selection.Samsung mobile phones, for example, basic don"t consider the low-end market, price is on the high side, LG is better than in the field of CDMA.Design flaws:Samsung Note and S series mobile phone design defects, the main maintenance expense rights difficulties.Half an hour economic survey: samsung "sudden death" problem has already spread all over the world, but after varies from place to place.English: free warranty repair or upgrade;Hong Kong: repair is free of charge.In mainland China, consumers have to spend thousands of yuan to upkeep the same problem.It is alleged enroach on consumer fair exchange.[2]Comments:1. Improve the performance of mobile phones increase productivity, reduce the price.2. Protect consumers" rights and interests, provide free maintenance service.3. Improve customer service, and keep the communication with customers, to ensure the proper solution of the problem.

1.《三星集团韩国公司 英语翻译三星公司:三星集团是韩国最大的企业集团,包括26个下属公司及若干其他法人机构,在近70个国家和地区建立了近300》援引自互联网,旨在传递更多网络信息知识,仅代表作者本人观点,与本网站无关,侵删请联系页脚下方联系方式。

2.《三星集团韩国公司 英语翻译三星公司:三星集团是韩国最大的企业集团,包括26个下属公司及若干其他法人机构,在近70个国家和地区建立了近300》仅供读者参考,本网站未对该内容进行证实,对其原创性、真实性、完整性、及时性不作任何保证。



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