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武唐盛世 英语翻译而另一位唐朝著名的帝王在以前唐代盛世的基础上更进一步的让唐朝成为了世界膜拜的中心她就是中国历史舞台上唯一的女皇帝


英语翻译而另一位唐朝著名的帝王在以前唐代盛世的基础上更进一步的让唐朝成为了世界膜拜的中心她就是中国历史舞台上唯一的女皇帝——武则天.一代女皇——武则天 武氏自立为皇后之后.武则天掌实权后于690 年废皇帝李旦,自立为皇帝,改国号为周,改元天授,史称“武周”.武则天称帝后,大开科举,破格用人;奖励农桑,发展经济;知人善任,容人纳谏.在她掌理朝政近半个世纪,社会稳定,经济发展,为后来的盛世局面打下基础.但是,武则天逼害王后萧妃,杀害亲子,大封武氏诸王,重用酷吏,严刑峻法,冤狱丛生,受到历史的谴斥.在封建制度统治的古代,武则天是中国唯一一个真正的女皇帝.随着唐朝国力的日异强大唐朝的瓷器发展也登峰造极,瓷器的做工精细也被世界所称赞.也是在那个时候大英字典里有了China这个单词,而这所能体现的正是我们中华民族高超的智慧和精湛的制作工艺.这个时期所制造出来的瓷期制品…”所制造出来的瓷器制品也从原来单纯的生活物品转变为装饰品,瓷器的制作方式也更加灵活.不单单是瓷器业的发展,唐代的其他制造业也相当发达,唐代的衣服制品多用丝织品,制作工艺样式都充分体现了华夏文化和中华民族的特色.并且这种制作特色也影响了世界其他一些国家的设计与制作理念.唐代的建筑也很有时代特点,城市布局也非常合理,建筑风格紧凑当时一些亚洲国家也纷纷效仿唐朝的建筑风格与布局.唐帝国是当时世界最为文明强盛的国家,首都长安是世界性的大都会.那时的唐帝国是世界各国仁人志士心目中的“阳光地带”.来自世界各国的外交使节络绎不绝,中国高度发展的文化,使来到中国的各国人民,大多数以成中国人为荣.不仅首都长安,全国各地都有来自国外的“侨民”在当地定居,尤其是新兴的商业城市,仅广州一城的西洋侨民就有二十万人以上.贞观王朝是中国历史上少有的开放王朝,外国人入境和中国人出境并没有太严格的限制,即不担心中国人出去后忘本忘祖;也不担心外国人进来后喧宾夺主.仅这一点就说明贞观王朝的高度自信,深信自己的国家是世界上最最文明富强的土地,不担心外来文化把自己淹没.贞观王朝的国民素质是如此之高,对外国侨民既不歧视也不奉迎,既不盲目排外也不全盘接收,一幅不卑不亢的大国民气度和王者风范.外国人在中国就象中国人在自己家里一样,享有和中国人一样的公民权力,不但可以发财致富,还可以从政当官.来自帝国和日本的侨民就有不少在中国担任官职的,有的还担任部长级高级.由于后期的唐玄宗不理朝政,唐朝政治黑暗重臣安禄山史思明于755~762起兵发生,史称“安史之乱”安史之乱是我国历史一次重要事件,也是唐朝由盛而衰的转折点.从此唐朝的历史地位不断下降,社会矛盾不断激化,社会动荡,大大小小的不断,最终于907年灭亡.华夏大地又一次为各个小的诸侯国,各诸侯国为争夺地盘互相发动战争,人民又一次陷入水深火热之中.中华版图四分五裂,其间出现的国家种类繁多,其中也不乏少数民族统治的地区与国家,在此不一一详细说明,下面我们将要介绍的是一个少数民族在中国建立的王朝——元.


But another tang dynasty 钁 the 甯 king of lets the tang dynasty become world to worship furtherly on the foundation of Tang Dynasty peaceful times of past of center she is a Chinese history satge top the only female emperor-martial day.Generation impress-martial dayAfter martial surname independence is an empress.Force then day 鎺 the solid power discards emperor Lee 鏃 in 690 years behind,independence for emperor,change the name of country as week,change a dollar day to teach,the history calls "martial week".Force the day then opens civil service exam greatly after calling the 甯 ,making an exception to use a person;Praise agriculture mulberry,develop economy;Know a person kind term,permit person 绾宠皬 .Is in control of domestic affairs near half a century at her,society stability,economic development,lay the foundation for the later peaceful times situation.But,force the day then forces to harm a queen 钀 an imperial concubine,killing a parents and children,sealing a martial surname a various king greatly,heavy use cool 鍚 ,severe law,the miscarriage of justice cluster livings,is scolded by historical 璋 .The ancient times ruled in the feudal system,force the day then is the only a Chinese real female emperor.Along with tang dynasty national strength of day the china of the different and strong tang dynasty develop reach the peak also,the china does work fine to be also praised by the world.Was also in that time the big English dictionary to have China is this single phrase,but this ability body now of is exactly the superb intelligence of our Chinese nation and consummate creation craft.This porcelain that is period to come out the manufacturing expects to producted the china made product also from originally pure of living the product change into decorations,the creation method of china is also more vivid.Not only single is the development of china industry,other manufacturing industries of Tang Dynasty are also very flourishing,the clothes of Tang Dynasty product to use silk goods more,creating the styles all full body of the craft clothing now China the clothing special features of the culture and Chinese nation.And this kind of clothing creation special features also influenced costume design and clothing of a little bit other nations in the world to create a principle.The building of Tang Dynasty also very sometimes generation characteristics,the city sets up also very reasonable,building style tightly packed some Asia nations also imitated building style and layout of tang dynasty in succession at that time.Tang"s empire was a world to write an article most at that time clear and strong nation,the capital city was mostly Chang-an world would.Tang"s empire of that time is an international community person of great virtue person with ideals and integrity"sunlight district" within heart.The diplomacy from international community diplomatic corps forms a continuous stream,highly developed culture in China,make and arrive at the all countries people of China,majority with become Chinese artificial glory.Not only capital city Chang-an,there is all"alien residents" from abroad in the whole whole countries settle down in the region,is a particularly newly arisen business city,the western alien residents of one city in only Guangzhou contain above 200,000 people.The 璐 view dynasty is rarely the top of the Chinese history to open a dynasty,foreigner inbound with Chinese departure have no too strict of restriction,then don"t worry Chinese to go out behind ungrateful forget 绁 ;Also don"t worry the foreigner presumptive guest usurps the role hosts after coming in.Only the height self-confidence which explains a 璐 view a dynasty,believing deeply the own nation is most most in the world civilization rich and strong of land,don"t worry foreign culture to drown oneself.Citizen"s character of 璐 view dynasty is such of high,outward the country alien residents neither discriminate against nor receive to face,since not the outside of the blindness row be not completely either to receive,a big citizen"s generosity of spirit of cordial but independent and great king manner.The foreigner is in China elephant Chinese at oneself the home is similar,possessing a similar to the Chinese citizen power,can build up fortune not only,can also join the government to be an officer.The alien residents which comes from Arabian empire and Japan hasn"t a few hold the post of official position in China,have of still hold the post of ministerial-level a senior officer.Because the empress expects of Tang 鐜 ignore domestic affairs,tang dynasty political blackness heavy minister Anne 绂 mountain the history think clear in 755~762 rise in revolt an occurrence insurrection,the history calls "Anne"s history of disorderly" Anne"s history of in disorder is our country the history is an important affairs,is also a tang dynasty from prosperous but the turn of 琛 order.From now on the history position of tang dynasty descends continuously,the social antinomy arouses to turn continuously,society turbulence,various insurrection continuously,end perish in 907 years.China another earth splits into each all various 渚 country,in order to fight site to launch war each other,each various 渚 country another people sink into water and scorching fire in.The China landscape falls apart,the in the interval appears of the national category is numerous,also don"t lack region and nation of national minority governance among them,different here on elaborating on,underneath we will what to introduce is a national minority"s dynasty-dollar in Chinese establishment.

1.《武唐盛世 英语翻译而另一位唐朝著名的帝王在以前唐代盛世的基础上更进一步的让唐朝成为了世界膜拜的中心她就是中国历史舞台上唯一的女皇帝》援引自互联网,旨在传递更多网络信息知识,仅代表作者本人观点,与本网站无关,侵删请联系页脚下方联系方式。

2.《武唐盛世 英语翻译而另一位唐朝著名的帝王在以前唐代盛世的基础上更进一步的让唐朝成为了世界膜拜的中心她就是中国历史舞台上唯一的女皇帝》仅供读者参考,本网站未对该内容进行证实,对其原创性、真实性、完整性、及时性不作任何保证。



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