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expectation "meet our expectation"里expectation到底用单数还是复数?


"meet our expectation(s)"里expectation到底用单数还是复数?rt


expectation ex·pec·ta·tionW2S2 /ˌekspekˈteɪʃən/ n [U and C] what you think or hope will happenexpectation thatFor some time he lived with the expectation that he was going to die.in (the) expectation of sthAnne left Germany in the expectation of seeing her family again before very long.against/contrary to (all) expectationsAgainst all expectations,getting up at five is actually easier in winter.Having raised expectations (=made people more hopeful) ,he went on to help only a few people.above/below expectationsProfits are below expectations.beyond ("s) expectationsGina has succeeded beyond our expectations.The show exceeded all expectations (=was much better than expected) .come/live up to ("s) expectationsHis performance did not live up to our expectations(=was not as good as we expected)The number of people who attended fell short of expectations (=was lower than expected) .[C usually plural] a feeling or belief about the way something should be or how someone should behaveexpectation ofWomen who have high expectations of marriage are often disappointed.Some people have totally unrealistic expectations of both medical and nursing staff.expectation of lifethe number of years that someone is likely to live= life expectancy

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2.《expectation "meet our expectation"里expectation到底用单数还是复数?》仅供读者参考,本网站未对该内容进行证实,对其原创性、真实性、完整性、及时性不作任何保证。



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