

Problems Give Meaning to Life困难使生活变得有意义

a wise philosopher once commented that an eagle ' s only obstacle to overcome for flying with greater speed and ease is the air . yet,If the air were一位聪明的哲学家评论说,秃鹫可以飞得更快更容易,但一旦撤离空气,这只骄傲的鹰只能在真空中飞行,立刻掉在地上,再也不能飞了。(威廉莎士比亚,哈姆雷特,成功)对飞行产生阻力的因素也是飞行的条件。

the main obstacle that a power boat has to overcome is the water against the propeller,yet,if it were not for this same resistance,the boot


The same law,that obstacles are conditions of success,Holds true in human life . a life free of all obstacles and difficulties would reduce ace


In the South,when cotton was "king," the boll weevil crossed over from Mexico to the United States and destroyed the cotton plants . falts


The people of Enterprise,Alabama,Were so grateful for what had occurred that in 1910 they erected a monument to the boll weevil . when they tuy


亚拉巴马州恩特普赖斯人对发生的这一切充满了感激,1910 年他们为棉铃象鼻虫竖起一座纪念碑。由单一作物耕作方式转变为多样化种植后,他们变得更富有了。纪念碑上的碑文写道:“深深感谢棉铃象鼻虫以及它为预示繁荣所做的一切。”

We all have a tendency all of our lives to want to get rid of problems and responsibilities. When that temptation arises, remember the youth who was questioning a lonely old man. “What is life’s heaviest burden?” he asked. The old fellow answered sadly, “Having nothing to carry.”


Many of the Psalms were born in difficulty. Most of the Epistles were written in prisons. Most of the greatest thoughts of the greatest thinkers of all time had to pass through the fire. Bunyanwrote Pilgrim’s Progress from jail. Florence Nightingale, too ill to move from her bed, reorganized the hospitals of England. Semiparalyzed and under constant menace ofapoplexy, Pasteur was tireless

in his attack on disease. During the greater part of his life, American historian Francis Parkman suffered so acutely that he could not work for more than five minutes at a time. His eyesight was so wretched that he could scrawl only a few gigantic words on a manuscript, but he contrivedto write twenty magnificent volumes of history.

《诗篇》中的很多篇都是在困境中诞生的。大部分使徒书信都是在狱中写成的。历史上最伟大的思想家大部分最深刻的思想都必须经历千锤百炼。班扬在狱中写就《天路历程》。弗洛伦斯 · 南丁格尔虽然病得只能躺在床上,却使英国医院实行了彻底的改革。巴斯德身体半瘫,时时受到中风的威胁,仍孜孜不倦地抗击疾病。美国历史学家弗朗西斯 · 帕克曼一生之中多半时间里饱受病痛折磨,以致于每次工作不能超过 5 分钟。他的视力极差,只能在手稿上潦草地写下几个巨大的字,但他竟然写成了二十卷历史巨著。

Bury a person in the snows of Valley Forge, and you have a George Washington. Raise him inabject poverty, and you have an Abraham Lincoln. Strike him down with infantile paralysis, and he becomes a Franklin D. Roosevelt. Burn him so severely that the doctors say he will never walk again, and you have a Glenn Cunningham, who set the world’s one-mile record in 1934. Have him or her born black in a society filled with racial discrimination, and you have a Booker T. Washington, a Marian Anderson, a George Washington Carver, or a Martin Luther King, Jr. Call him a slow learner and retarded—writing him off as uneducable—and you have an Albert Einstein.

把一个人埋在福吉谷的雪中,你就会造就一个乔治 · 华盛顿。在赤贫中养育他,你会得到一个亚伯拉罕 · 林肯。让他身患小儿麻痹症,他就成了富兰克林 ·D· 罗斯福。把他严重烧伤,医生都说他无法再度行走,你就有了格伦 · 坎宁安,他在 1934 年创下了一英里赛跑的世界纪录。让他或她生下来就是黑人,生活在充满种族歧视的社会里,你就有了布克 ·T· 华盛顿、玛丽安 · 安德森、乔治 · 华盛顿 · 卡弗,或者是小马丁 · 路德 · 金。称他为傻子和弱智——说他孺子不可教也——你就造就了阿尔伯特 ·爱因斯坦。

Dolly Parton sums it all up with these words, “The way I see it, if you want the rainbow, you gotta put up with the rain.”

多利 · 帕顿把所有这些概括为一句话:“在我看来,如果你想要彩虹,你就得接受雨的洗礼。”


