1. Jimmy 实在累了,在下午3 点前不要叫醒他。 Jimmy is _____________ tired and don’t ____________ him __________ before 3 pm. 2. 你看见Nancy 了吗?哦,刚才她从这儿经过的。 Did you see Nancy? Oh, she _____________ ____________ just now. 3. 在图书馆里说话声音要小。 We should ________________ ________________ in the library. 4. 又小又弱的老鼠帮助强壮的狮子摆脱了渔网。 The small and ____________ mouse helped the strong lion _________ _______ of the net. 5. 狮子大笑着,并且释放了老鼠。 The lion ____________ ______________ and ____________ the mouse ____________. 6. 小老鼠用它锋利的牙齿咬破了渔网。 The small mouse ____________ the net ___________ his ____________ ____________. 7. 看!是谁在门上弄了个洞的? Look! Who _______________ a hole ______________ the door? 8. 从那以后。体他们成为了好朋友。 From ____________ ___________, they _____________ good friends. 9. 听到这个好消息,他们都激动地叫了起来。 They all _____________ ________________ at the good news. 10. 请不要对小老鼠生气! Please ____________ ____________ ______________ with the little mouse! 11. 你乒乓打得好吗? Are you ____________ _________ ________________ table tennis/ 12. Sam 很快弄来了水,并且把它倒进了洞里。 Sam brought some water _____________ and _____________ it ___________ the hole. 13. 就在那时,Millie 听到有人在开心地大笑。 _____________ _____________, Millie heard someone laughing ________________. 14. 你父母常带你去买东西吗? Do you parents often _______________ you to go ________________? 15. 第二天,Wang Bing 很早就起了床。 The _______________ day, Wang Bing _____________ up very early. 第 1 页 共 8 页 六年级下册句子翻译 Class _______ Name _________ 1.早起早睡是个好习惯。 Getting up early and going to bed early are _____________ _______________. 2. Millie很细心,总是把她的东西弄得井井有条。 3. Liu Tao在学校听老师的话,在家表现也很好。 4. 我们应当保持校园整洁。 We should _________________ our school _______________ and _________________. 5. 每天刷牙对牙齿有好处。 6. Tim夜里睡得晚,有时第二天感到困倦。 7. 按时完成作业是个好习惯。 It’s a good habit to _____________

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