2. Anything wrong? 形容词或副词修饰不定代词放后面。 3. happy-unhappy fair-unfair popular-unpopular healthy-unhealthy friendly-unfriendly lucky-unlucky 4. be sorry to do sth./be sorry about sth. 对…感到抱歉 5. seem to do sth. /seem+形容词/It seems that+句子 好像… 6. do well in…=be good at…擅长 do badly in …在…做得差 7. be strict with sb. 对…要求严格 8. feel lonely 感到孤独 9. have no friends to talk with 没有朋友可以交流 10. Thank you for+doing sth. 谢谢你做某事 11. have a talk with sb. 与…交谈 12. worryabout=be worried about 13. need +to do sth. 需要做某事 needn t+do sth./don t need +to do sth. 不需要做某事 14. work harder and do better 工作更加努力并且做得更好 15. Take it easy!别紧张=Don t be nervous! 16. try to do sth. 试着/尽力去做某事 17. be glad/happy/pleased to do sth.开心做某事 have fun doing sth.开心做某事 18.Good luck! 祝你好运! Best wishes! 给你最好的祝福。 luck 名词 lucky 形容词 luckily 副词 unlucky 形容词 unluckily 副词 SectionB 1.fail to do sth. 做某事失败 fail the exam 考试失败 2.That s too bad. 那太糟糕了! 3.Why don t you do sth.=Why not do sth. 为什么不做某事 4.how to do sth.怎样做某事 what to do 如何去做 5. talk with others 与他人交谈 others=other people another 再来一个/一些 the other 两者中的另一个 6.Don t worry!别担心! be worried about…担心 7.有这些感觉 get/have the/these feelings 8.在你这样的年纪 at your age 9.make friends with sb. 与某人交朋友 10.tell sb. a joke/jokes 给某人讲笑话 11.让某人发笑 make sb. laugh make sb. do sth.让某人做某事 12.would like to do sth.=want to do sth. 想做某事 13. It ll be OK. 一切都会好起来的。 14.feel better 感觉好多了 15.pass the exam 通过考试 精品文档.精品文档 1. have a problem/some problems 有一个/一些问题 answer my questions 回答问题 problem 生活中的难题 question 学习中的问题 2. have +形容词+feelings 有…的感觉 3. experience 当“经历”讲,是可数名词 当“经验”讲,是不可数名词 4. Would/Could you please +动词原形?你愿意做某事吗? 5.give me some suggestions给我一些建议=give me some advice 6.It s normal to do sth. 做某事是正常的。 7.It s all right to do sth. 做某事是对的。 8. something bad 形容词/副词修饰不定代词放后面 9.happen to sb. 发生在某人身上 10.talk to/with others 与某人交谈 11.

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